Moving …

27 Jul

I have decided to move my blog.  Sorry for the inconvenience.  I am consolidating some of the services I use so they work better together so you can find this blog being updated at:  Image

Eclipse 2012

20 May

I saw my first solar eclipse 18 years ago at Stanford.  I remember how cool it was with all the professors and staff and students.  Some had pinhole viewers, others had special equipment but we all stood around watching it.
Eclipse 2012

Today, we weren’t at Stanford but the neighborhood all came together and met to watch the eclipse. I was all set up with a pinhole in a postcard — I finally got the family to come out and watch, too. Then the neighbors came out and we were looking at it. Our neighbor, Jerry, brought out his welding helmet and we watched it through that (evidently, if you have it set to at least shade 13, it’s safe).

Watching the Eclipse 2012 with the welding helmet

Pretty soon, other cars were stopping and joining us. Jerry brought out Doritos and suddenly, it’s a party.

Eclipse party 2012

My favorite part was when the redwood trees started acting as their own pinhole viewers. Love these patterns.

The light was so amazing.

Eclipse 2012

Eventually, the show, and the party, were over.

The party is over!

Can’t wait for 2017.

Manky Merganser?

24 Apr


I walked out on my deck this afternoon, enjoying the sunshine and the cool air being stirred up by the creek. There was a pair of ducks in our creek. While that isn’t unusual, they were (oh boy, I’m going to say it) odd ducks.

Just look at them.


One is a Merganser and one is … Well, I’d have to say there is some Merganser in there along with some Mallard, I guess and probably some plain old white domestic duck.

Ah well, Spring is for lovers and I’m not one to judge!

Look what I did!

25 Mar

I made this crocheted cowl yesterday! It was amazingly easy and so much fun to do. I’ve never crocheted much but this project was so satisfying — easy, quick, and beautiful when done!

Being crafty — it’s a good thing.



21 Mar

Four ravens soaring
Playing tag in the blue sky
Suddenly, it’s Spring

Just imagine walking outside, seeing these amazing birds soaring over the redwoods … What an inspirational start to Spring!

Copyright 2012 Liza Lee Miller

My what a big girl you are . . .

15 Mar

Meet Freya.  She’s a 6 month old bebe Irish Wolfhound.  Can’t you tell how tiny and delicate she is?  Fragile is the word, I think.

She’ll be coming home to us at the end of the month.   Can you imagine what Ruby is going to think?  Oh my.

Sometimes the rain

14 Mar

Rain in my driveway

drip drop
at a time
sometimes the rain falls
to shower our whole world in grief

© 2012, Liza Lee Miller.  All rights reserved.


13 Mar

Flower from Santana Row

I like my new macro lens for my iPhone.  I like it a lot.  I was amazed at how close to the flower I had to get for the camera to focus but then the results made me all giddy!

Glimpsing the future . . .

9 Mar

Hinting at good things to come . . .

New toys!

8 Mar

All the hipster camera peeps would say that they got “new glass” for their birthday but I’m just not that cool!

Still, my cool factor must have shot up by about a billion since my wonderful, thoughtful, loving husband got me these cool lenses for my iPhone!

I know, right? They are from the awesome Photojojo Store!. They are very tricky in how they work. You stick a nifty sticky-back magnetic ring on to your camera and then the lenses just magnetically attach.

I took this picture with the telephoto right away last night.

You can’t use flash so this pic is very grainy. That’s the low light . . . not the lens quality. I’m really excited about the telephoto and the macro but I imagine I’ll find some fun things to do with the wide angle and the fish eye lenses as well.

My iPhone is getting all tricked out for our next Summer adventure. More on that in a future post . . . assuming there are any. Given my track record . . . one never knows!